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Contact Us

After Hours Town Council: +264 811444151
After Hours Emergency Services: +264 811490074
Switchboard: +264 65 233700
Enquiries Office: +264 65 233702
Information Communication Technology: +264 65 233703
Secretary to the CEO: +264 65 233704
Corporate Communications: +264 65 233706
Building Inspectorate: +264 65 233708/727
Executive Support Services: +264 65 233709
Economic Development: +264 65 233710
Environmental Health: +264 65 233725
Technical Services: +264 65 233729
Planning and Development: +264 65 233734
Properties Office: +264 65 233739
Emergency Services: +264 65 238766
Ongwediva Trade Fair Centre: +264 65 230191
Sam Nujoma Multi Purpose Centre: +264 65 232017
Sam Nujoma Multi Purpose Centre Library +264 65 231287
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